Psychos I Have Dated or Worked for or Both

You know, I’ve been so busy I completely forgot to post about the most recent WYSIWYG TALENT SHOW that happened last night. As some of you know, the show is an all-blogger series of readings and performances. I came up with the kind of advertising-y slogan “Urban Storytelling for the Internet Age” which is very accurate if kind of bland. So I’m working on something better.

Anyway – it was a great night with some really fantastic stories of “Psychos I Have Dated or Worked for or Both”. You can check out the WYSIWYG site for links to all the readers and, eventually, video and pictures. Also, there will be a write-up and links to other reviews/feedback on the WYSIWYG blog.

Let me just say that the stories were all really compelling – some were funny, some were touching and some were just plain disturbing, but overall it was one of those great nights where the simplest and oldest form of entertainment -storytellling- comes back to show the new kids how its done. It was very telling though, when one of the storytellers told of seeking revenge on an abusive and technophobic coworker by wreaking small sabotages on her computer – readjusting the date function/key repeat rate/default fonts/macros – and the audience laughed uproariously with a distinct edge of first-hand knowledge. Oh the Revenge of the Nerds indeed!

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