365 Days/365 Plays = 365 Questions

So, you’re curious about this whole 365 Days/365 Plays thing, but you’re confused. What exactly is it? Who’s doing it? What’s going on? You ask yourself these questions, and maybe you’ve even visited The Public Theater, but you’re still not exactly sure what’s up. Well, here’s your crash course, courtesy of Culturebot.org, in handy bullet-point format:

Pullitzer-Prize Winner Suzan-Lori Parks wrote a play a day for a year.

– Bonnie Metzgar and The Public Theater decided to spearhead a project to present all 365 plays (plus two for good measure called “The Constants”) in a year-long, nationwide play cycle with simultaneous premieres in various cities.

– In NYC, Many theater companies and several performance venues have each been assigned a week’s worth of plays (plus the two Constants) to stage and present.

– So, on any given week, you can attend a performance hosted by a theater company or venue and see that week’s 7 plays, plus the two Constants. OR, you can save up your time and watch a full month’s worth of plays at the Public Theater’s First Sunday’s Series.

– You can start this week at Galapagos Art Space on Friday, December 8th at 8PM and/or catch the next Sunday Series monthly digest at the Public on January 7th at 3PM and 7PM.

– All performances are free, but there may be suggested donations at certain venues.

**In the interest of full disclosure, let it be on record that my theater company is participating in this festvial with Galapagos, but so are lots of other great companies, so check it out, and decide for yourself whether 365 plays is too many, too few, or just right.**

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