Britney, parsed.

Reading this made me feel bad for Britney Spears, for the first time. Since I was already pretty much an adult by the time “that which we call Britney” came into being, and since I was always more of an indie/alternative-type guy, I always found her kind of amusing and pathetic. But reading interpreted world‘s parsing of the “Hit Me Baby One More Time” video actually made me feel pity for this girl, this sensational media-fabricated train wreck. Encountering that song in a new interpretation [btw, I guess I have kind of been living under a rock – what band is that doing the acoustic-y version?] also lends a creepy insight. Acoustic versions of highly processed pop often are quite revealing – or at least entertaining. To demonstrate how old I am, I will reference  Aztec Camera’s acoustic interpretation of Van Halen’s Jump:

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