The Rude Mechs’ “Method Gun” Latest Addition to

Rude Mechs | The Method Gun from on Vimeo.

The latest addition to–a site founded by Seattle’s On the Boards to offer high-quality videos of contemporary performance for streaming or download–just posted their latest: Austin’s Rude Mechs, who’ve had a hell of a year touring The Method Gun. While I know there were a few dissenting voices when it played DTW in March, everyone here at Culturebot was pretty blown away, and it recently made New York magazine’s best-of-Off-Broadway list, where they dubbed it “a nothing-short-of-magical mousetrap” that “purported to tell the story of an acting guru named Stella Burden and her cultlike teaching techniques, but really massaged the old American ache for purity in theory and practice—and made the stakes of an elaborate theater-game feel like life and death.” In short, it was awesome.

OtB filmed its appearance this last fall in Portland, Oregon, where it played the TBA Festival. uses multiple high-quality digital video cameras and quality editing to present video documentations that’s several steps above what most of us are used to. It’s $5 to watch or $15 to download and own; other subscription options are available.

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