more thoughts on the Ohio

Most recent update I can find about the imminent closing of the Ohio Theatre is AD Robert Lyons’ letter on their site.

The horrible rumors you’ve heard are true. The building has been sold. The future of our beloved Ohio Theatre is in jeopardy. I’ve been waiting for the sale to close before sending out information. The sale has now closed.

We were originally told we had to vacate the first floor by the end of this January! I am currently negotiating with the new landlord to allow us to stay through June. At least. That would mean the spring schedule would continue as planned:

January:      Target Margin           10 Blocks on the Camino Real

March:         Soho Think Tank       Red-Haired Thomas

April:            New Georges              Angela’s Mixtape.

May:             Voice&Vision/Crossing Jamaica Ave I Have Been to Hiroshima Mon Amour

June:            Clubbed Thumb          Summer Works 09.

Beyond that, the future is uncertain.

There’s more, including the sad fact that they’ve already lost use of the 6th floor rehearsal space. It’s an enormous blow to downtown Manhattan’s cultural life.

Until further word gets out from the Ohio I would encourage you, theater-goer, to provide twofold support: go see the work and give if you can. Camino Real is getting good mainstream press – see this Times Q&A piece with Target Margin AD David Herskovitz (mentions the Ohio but not the closing) It runs Jan 14-31; tickets (here) are $15 for the first week and $20 after.

Meantime, share if you have updates…

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