Tag Archives: foundry

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Provenance and Aftermath

This weekend Culturebot saw two shows that explored foreign lands – The Foundry Theater’s The Provenance of Beauty: A South Bronx Travelogue and NYTW’s Aftermath, a documentary theater piece exploring the aftermath of the American invasion of Iraq through transcribed interviews with Iraqis.  Each in

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I went to see TELEPHONE on Tuesday night with no idea what to expect. I knew that it was an adaptation of a 1989 book by Avital Ronell – I had a vague memory of reading an essay of hers in the magazine MONDO 2000

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Last Dance, Clown.

I just heard that our pals at The Foundry are puttin’ on a show! It is called Ugo’s Last Dance and I don’t know anything about it but a friend of mine knows the producer and said it should be cool. Here’s some words from