Monthly Archives: August 2004

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And while I don’t wanna come off too self-promoter-y, I want to take yet another opportunity to plug the upcoming (Tuesday, August 31st, 7pm) panel called IMHO:Blogs, Politics and Personal Voice. Its a special edition of the WYSIWYG Talent Show series that Culturebot is organizing

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networked performance

Another way to approach the relationship of performance and the internet is to use the internet as the performance medium. Its pretty abstract to me, but you can learn more about that and other high-concept artistic endeavors over at the blog. I actually saw

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theater can be dangerous

The phrase “dangerous” theater is one that is pretty cringeworthy most of the time. Right along with “incendiary” or “controversial” it usually means little more than “naked people cursing and spouting obvious platitudes”. Its meaningless, of course, until your set catches fire. Or is torched.

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she’s lump

Yeah, we’re supposed to cover just performance, but hey I’m the boss of this place! So I’ll see you tonight at Bowery Ballroom for The Presidents of the United States of America. I think people thought these guys were kind of a novelty band but

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dance dance revolution

John Perry Barlow, cultural commentator and panelist for the upcoming IMHO: Blogs, Politics and Personal Voice event at P.S. 122, has a great idea to protest the RNC: dance at them! Click through and read more to get involved…

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rants and raves

NYFA has some really groovy stuff on their website. Apart from the artists resources and the job board they’ve started doing “in the spotlight” and “rants and raves” profiles of artists. Pretty neat. Actually, I think they’ve been doing it for a while. But I’m

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Greetings from Ho-Land Part Four

Long, long, ago, in another life, or to those who live their lives at a slightly less dramatic pace, last October, a friend and I were discussing how Amsterdam was affecting our respective artistic imaginations. “This is a very great city to write in,” said

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what are you voting for?

Back in the olden days – before the internet, before CDs – a young feller had to go to his local record store or head shop to find cool ‘zines. Nowadays all that info is just a click away. But if you keep your eyes

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If you haven’t had your fill of political theater after the Fringe Festival, the Howl Festival and the upcoming Imagine Festival you can check out The UnConvention, yet another festival of political theater. Albeit slightly more manageable than some of the others. I don’t know

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Its Howl!-tacular

Friday night Culturebot did The HOWL Festival which made for a pretty full night. First was HOWL Dance which was amazing. Yoshiko Chuma and the School of Hard Knocks performed a beautiful and engaging piece called 7x7x7 Downtown. DD Dorvillier and Jennifer Monson performed an