Dudes. I know I’m totally lax. I know I should be posting. I apologize. And my “trusty” co-contributors are not contributing. The search goes on.

I’m just really busy with my job and also with PRELUDE. Which is going to be amazing. You should definitely plan to take off work from September 24-27, 2008 and join us. It is FREE!! Check out our new website which  totally rocks. NOWHERE ELSE IN THE CITY OR THE WORLD can you see so much theater, behind the scenes, FOR FREE, and meet the artists and your fellow theater-makers; attend panels with all of NYC’s most important curators and producers and scholars and writers and just generally see so much important and diverse work under one roof. NOWHERE ELSE! So come be a part of this amazing event.

Um. What else? Oh yeah. I watched the Democratic National Convention the other night and I have to say that if Hilary had made that kind of speech during the actual campaign, she probably would have won the nomination. It was really well-written and well-delivered, and though it was “about her” it was not nearly as self-centered as her campaign. It actually sounded passionate and inspiring, like she gave a hoot about more than just her own ambition. Oh well, too little too late for this go-round.

I promise to catch up soon. New contributors – its a new school year, anybody aspiring arts journalists wanna join Team Culturebot?

Oh and I’m headed to Philly this weekend – and the next three weekends – you should definitely avail yourself of the opportunity. Its also a preview of upcoming work in NYC. Jo Stromgren and Verdensteatret are both showing the same pieces in Philly now as they will in NYC later on this year.

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